Lion dad struggles to take care of cubs while their wounded mum recovers - blog.sciencenatures

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Lion dad struggles to take care of cubs while their wounded mum recovers

  As a parent, taking care of your offsprings usually takes strenuous efforts, and apparently not just humans need to deal with that burden, but animals as well. But no one proves it better than this poor lion dad. A father of five, this majestic lion might be the king of the jungle, but when it comes down to parenting, he looks as helpless as its prey!

Linda Smit

In a series of rather hilarious photos, a lion was caught on camera desperately trying to look after his energetic cubs, while their mother is away. Though he really seem to try his best, the male named Singa is far from being as bossy with his little ones as he is with the rest of the pride. The five naughty cubs are giving him a headache.

Linda Smit

The scene unfolded at the Pakawi Park Zoo in Belgium, and the lion was forced to the take over the parenting duties, after the cubs mother – JJ – was sent to the zoo’s medical facility for recovery, after she was bitten by another lioness. Even though she only suffered some minor injuries, she has to stay away from their cubs a few days.

Wildlife photographer Linda Smit captured the moment Singa hardly tries to do the mother job, but he’s struggling!

Linda Smit

“The mother had to be separated from her cubs for a few weeks to heal. So dad had to take care of them,” the photographer said. “He was trying to lift them, like the mother would do, to carry them to what he probably thought was a safer place. But as a male, he didn’t have the skills or experience to properly lift them.”

After nearly a week, JJ fully recovered and she returned to her cubs who were happier than ever to reunite their mom. But, honestly, I don’t know who was happier, the cubs or their dad?!

Linda Smit

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