Giant 30-Foot Wild Snakes Die Trying to Escape Indonesia’s Forest Fires - blog.sciencenatures

Monday, December 5, 2022

Giant 30-Foot Wild Snakes Die Trying to Escape Indonesia’s Forest Fires


Carcasses of massive snakes have been discovered as local residents fight raging forest fires in Indonesia.

Forest fires have been ravaging certain areas in Indonesia since July, according to The Washington Post.

Many suffered from thick smoky haze brought by the fire, but animals living in the forest were also greatly affected.

People fighting the fire were shocked to find remains of animals unable to escape the blaze, including large snakes believed to be burned alive, Mothership reported.

The snakes, which people thought were anacondas but turned out to be from the python family, were burnt to a crisp. Some had their mouths open, possibly indicating the terrible way they died.

Some of these rare snakes were larger in size and could reportedly swallow goats and cattle whole. They measured up to 10 meters (32 feet) in length and 20 centimeters (7.8 inches) in diameter

CAN Borneo, a conservation group, reportedly posted a video of locals dragging dead snakes out of the burnt forest at Baamang Tengah in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia on Sept. 13.

The massive fire, which has consumed 800,000 acres of land, is the result of deforestation. Farmers reportedly burned land to make room for new crops. However, this year’s hot and dry summer made the infernos more devastating.

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