Scientists Find Root That Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Only 48 Hours - blog.sciencenatures

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Scientists Find Root That Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Only 48 Hours


Dr. Hamm warns, however, that dandelion root extract can have a negative impact on the 
effects of chemotherapy. It is always best to consult your doctor and let them know about 
any supplements or foods that you consume regularly. Even if you don't have cancer, eating 
vegetables or drinking dandelion tea can still give you great health! For example, dandelion
roots and stems can help fight diabetes. It does this by stimulating the pancreas to produce
insulin, which in turn stabilizes spikes in blood sugar levels.

If you suffer from digestive problems or need to get rid of toxins, dandelion tea might be 
just what the herbal medicine doctor ordered!

The liver helps the digestive system by producing bile and also filters the blood of 
chemicals and other impurities.

According to Dr. Ax, the vitamins and minerals present in dandelions can help cleanse the 
liver and keep it in perfect shape. So by supporting your liver, you are actually creating 
better health!

Dandelions are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which is essential in helping the 
body fight infections, such as bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

If you suffer from frequent IVU attacks, drinking dandelion tea on a daily basis can prevent
it from ever happening again.

Dandelion greens are bitter, but completely edible, as long as you get it from an area that 
hasn't been sprayed with chemicals. Greens are high in fiber, which is great for intestinal 
health! High-fiber diets have also been shown to reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease 
and irritable bowel syndrome.
Greens are also rich in vitamin A: only one cup contains 100% of the recommended daily 
allowance. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy eyesight and can also prevent 
premature aging of the skin.

Since you probably won't have a whole cup of bitter vegetables to eat on your own, you can 
incorporate it into a morning smoothie. Just blend it with your favorite fruit, which will 
compensate for the bitter taste.

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